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We are very happy to announce that we'll be hosting a very exciting gig after Easter. FOLLOW MY VOICE/GROUβ/JE'SSE/ MATCHBOX /SENSELESS/紙風鈴 will be playing in Wowohho Space on the 13th April! So forget about those post-easter holiday blues, Wowohho Space is giving you another reason to stay alive.


末日過後,人類仍舊陷於水深火熱當中,一群熱血創作人,激發正義之光,與Wowohho Space首度結集,攜手並肩,決意打造一場驚天拯救行動,一同爆發正能量,用音樂救末來!

Past Events

2013年4月13日 - 我好好音樂會

13rd April, 2013 - Wowohho Music Gig

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