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Mick Chan

街頭藝術家。過去曾於不同學校及機構擔任藝術導師。現為全職藝術工作者。2004年至2012年,陳氏致力於藝術工作上,並於多個街頭藝術比賽中獲得驕人成績。而多年來亦不斷應各大型公司之邀請擔任街頭藝術比賽之評判及表演嘉賓,如香港時裝品牌“MOISELLE”、“SONY PlayStation” 及香口膠品牌 -“觸動.快感5” 等。陳氏更於香港及中國內地的酒吧、私人工作室、酒店及「北京798藝術區」等不同類型之場地擔綱展覽策劃及展出其個人作品。

Mick Chen is a street artist. In the past he worked as an art instructor in different schools and institutions. Now he is a full-time artist. From 2004 to 2010, Chen was not only committed to a work of art, but also achieved outstanding results in the number of street art competitions. Over the years he was recognized and invited as the guests of street art by well-known large companies, such as Hong Kong fashion brand of "MOISELLE" during, "SONY the PlayStation", the chewing gum brand " Touch Pleasure 5". Chen has actively involved in planning and organizing different venue exhibitions, such as bars, private studios, hotels, "Dashanzi Art District" and mainland China exhibitions, and displaying his individual art works there.

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