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2013年1月5日至31日 - 末/未 Wowohho Space 序幕跨年展
5th-31st January, 2013 - End/UP Wowohho Space prologue of the exhibition


Wowohho Space開業卻又如引力牽引得不得不對號入座;以末日  /  末世為主題的首個展覽,對大眾而言或許只是以訛傳訛的三天黑夜前的諸神的黃昏,而對一群藝術工作者來說,這又會否是蜂群衰竭前的嗡嗡作響,樂奏一闕安魂曲?一切造化只能留待末日後展畢,餘生續論。

wowohho space將於2013年1月5日正式揭幕誕生,

為隆重其事,wowohho space將於2012年12月20日

舉辦一個名為《末 /未 》之序幕跨年展,是次展覽將展出各藝術家以末日/末世為主題,並運用大膽創新的手法,盡情表達主題之無限可能,將各藝術家的創意發揮到極至,呈現其作品的獨特性,屆時勢必哄動。

Eschatology is controversial around the globe, especially during this December. In the meanwhile it is the time for Wowohho Space to open! The first exhibition of doomsday will be held at Wowohho Space. Is the doomsday just a rumour for ordinary public? Or can it be a perfect moment for artists to perform a requiem? The answer will be figured out after doomsday.

Wowohho Space will be launched on 5th January, 2013. There will be an exhibition named as 《End / Up》held on 20th December 2012. Every artist will take“Doomsday”as the theme to compose their creations with no fear and innovation to show the boundless possibilities. The uniqueness of their creations will undoubtedly cause a sensation.

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